Festive & Fun Ideas for a Socially Distanced Holiday Season

Festive & Fun Ideas for a Socially Distanced Holiday Season

With the holidays upon us and COVID is still an ongoing issue, things feel a little different this year. We have several vaccines on the way, but likely this will not change our holiday season at all, sadly. We have already tackled how we handled Thanksgiving, so this was a great dress rehearsal for the main event. All of us are in different levels of lockdown and concern…

6 Tips to Get in the Holiday Spirit

6 Tips to Get in the Holiday Spirit

The holidays are upon us and it may just feel a little different. Whether we are socially distancing or employment isn't where it once was or just the general feeling of ennui from 2020, we just might not be in the holiday spirit. However, as easy as it is to wallow in self pity and endless streaming of the latest shows, we encourage you to keep up with some of what…

5 Tips to Beat Sugar

5 Tips to Beat Sugar

Sugar is one of those tricky things. We have a natural craving for sugar from birth, it is one way to attract the infant to drink milk, yet too much sugar can harm our bodies, peak our glycemic index and lead towards diabetes and health problems. Issues come into play though with just how addictive sugar is and how many products add sugar. It becomes incredibly…

Mindfulness Over The Holidays

Mindfulness Over The Holidays

One of the “lessons” we are taught over the holidays is being patient and gracious with both strangers and those we love. Yet sometimes it is those we love who try us more than strangers and we can find ourselves in the middle of blown out of proportion arguments over family gatherings. Sometimes this is because we don't really have that much in common with those we share blood with, sometimes…

4 Ways to Avoid Processed Food

4 Ways to Avoid Processed Food

While the world seems to be getting busier and busier, it is easy to start letting some things slide in the name of convenience. For me the thing that always starts to slide is eating. As much as I try to meal prep and plan for the week there will be weeks I slip into convenience food and pre-packed meals. While the concept isn't bad in and of itself, a lot of these foods…

Getting into Precious Metals Investments

Getting into Precious Metals Investments

As we are navigating the pre-vaccine era there are a lot of questions coming up, especially when it comes to our finances and our future. Where should we be putting our money? How can we be using the pandemic in a positive way? When will things be normal again? Recently we have seen the stock market doing very well and this is largely because people are betting on what they think the world will look like…