The final type of love according to the ancient Greeks is, philautia, the love of oneself. I decided to dedicate a whole article to this one type of love because I feel it is the most confusing and the most underappreciated of the loves. The love oneself is the foundation for all our other loves, if we don't love ourselves, how can we love anyone else? We can only demand…
What is Love Part 2: Pragma, Ludus and Agape
As we continue on our look at the six types of love we can do another faux divided love, ludus and pragma. As you may already be able to guess by the roots of these words, ludus is playful love and pragma is pragmatic long standing love. We also are going to look at the love of agape, the love of everyone and charity. Agape is a more serious love than ludus and acts…
What is Love Part 1: Eros and Philia
With this time of year often being dedicated to romantic love we can sometimes get lost in the shuffle. Maybe we are overwhelmed with trying to show our love to our person that we forget about ourselves or maybe just the opposite, we are waiting for these displays to gauge our relationship, either way we are very preoccupied with romantic love in February. But, as I am sure…
4 Tips For Improving Relationships
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our responsibilities that it is easy to take for granted the people we care about most in our lives. It is just because we are so close that we sometimes forget we need to maintain the relationship. Of course those closest to us are the most forgiving so it is easy to move plans, fall out of touch, be distant and so on because we have the security in knowing the depths of these relationships can withstand passing…
Mindfulness and the Mammalian Diving Reflex
A couple years ago I started scuba diving, which seems like a funny thing to write about in a Health and Wellness article, I know. But the process of learning to dive in 30 feet and later to 100 feet underwater taught me a lot about myself and the real effects of mindfulness. When you are diving, you are suddenly incredibly aware of your breathing. Your breathing can help or hinder you underwater as well as even injure you. Breathing too shallow or too deep affects…
Five Tips on Returning to the Gym: Going back after a long absence
As the country has been opening back up and many gyms are opening their doors again, we are equal parts excited and nervous. Excited to finally get back into the routine, but nervous on where we will stand after so much time outside of the gym. Even if you have been doing your at home workouts and keeping up with your weight goals, chances are you haven't…
How to Recover Fast From a Workout
Today I want to talk about the recovery after workouts. All of us are experiencing a bit of an upheaval still with our exercise regimes. Whether your gyms are reopening with limited capacity and you have switched to home workouts or perhaps even you have let this aspect of your life slip over the past couple months, we all are starting to feel the side effects on unfamiliar territory. One of these side effects is muscle soreness. While we always should have a little bit of…
Writing Exercise: Eliminating the Illusion of Stability
When dealing with life during the pandemic a lot of us are feeling the upheaval. Things we were confident in are now suddenly a question. So much we took for granted is now missing from our lives. The whole situation has made many of us feel that nothing is guaranteed anymore and are unsure where next we will find ourselves. This feeling can be incredibly uncomfortable and hard to deal with but the funny thing is, we should not find it so foreign. Nothing has ever been…
Five Ways to Find Happiness
The pursuit of happiness. It is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence so it is something in the many ways America is founded on, but what exactly is the pursuit of happiness? Is it seeking out the high paying job? Is it finding true love? Exploring the world? Growing your knowledge? Is it simply having all your needs met? It feels like in modern society happiness is largely a commodity. Something we are told we will attain once we collect the certain amount of degrees…
The Danger of Wishful Thinking
During the unprecedented times of the pandemic it is easy to daydream of better days ahead. Wishful thinking and hoping may seem harmless, but this is a habit you do not want to build during the pandemic or any other stressful time. The reason for this is because once you start putting your hope in the future, you abandon your hope and joy for the present. You are putting all your eggs in the future basket, and the future basket is not promised. Furthermore the future is…