This week we seem to have unofficially made the theme about being more active and heart health. To continue in this trend I wanted to share some recipes and meat sources that have been really helpful in my wellness journey. To fully understand the story I am going to tell you briefly about my eating habits. I stopped eating meat around 10 years old due…
Sit Less and Live Longer
As we mentioned previously, humans are not meant to be inactive. We simply are not constructed to be this way. When we are, which let's face it, most of us are, thanks to the nature of our jobs, we increase our risks for all sorts of health risks. Not only does being sedentary increase our risks for disease, it also leads to habits such as overeating and overindulging…
Mukarram’s 4 Tips on Investing for September 2020
As you may have read in our latest interview with Mukarram Mawjood, our head trader, the equities markets aren't looking great right now. Mukarram cites many reasons for this: the insensible volatility in the market, the crashing of the US dollar through rash printing of more money, and the general uncertainty of the future. Though he predicted…
End of August Market Watch (interview with Mukarram Mawjood)
As we are wrapping up the Summer season we have many things looming on the horizon for us. We are all still waiting for a coronavirus vaccine and a return to normalcy. We also have trade wars with China and the upcoming US November Presidential Election. If there was a word to describe our current situation both fiscally and mentally, it would be “volatility”…